««TAMAGOTCHI FOR YOUR PC by SGA [of TH]»» README.TXT for TAMAGOTCHI (PC version), TAMAGO.EXE ©1997 == Table Of Contents 1. What is Tamagotchi? 2. Why is Tamagotchi (for PC) better than the original? 3. How to play. 4. Misc == == 1. What is Tamagotchi? Tamagotchi is a popular game which originated in Japan. Tamagotchi (meaning "Love Egg") is a virtual pet. The original Tamagotchi (©1996 by Bandai) was to be carried with the player (it was a key chain). Your job was to care for the virtual pet, and in about 30 days it would grow up and fly away. The following is an excerpt from Bandai's Original, Tamagotchi Info slip: "Tamagotchi is a tiny pet from cyberspace who needs your love to survive and grow. If you take good care of your Tamagotchi pet, it will slowly gro bigger, healthier, and more beuatiful every day. But if you neglect your little cyber creature, your Tamagotchi may grow up to be mean or ugly. How old will your Tamagotchi be when it returns to its home planet? What kind of virtual caretaker will you be?" == == 2. Why is Tamagotchi (for PC) better than the original? Tamagotchi (for PC) was programmed by SGA [of TH], it is the "made for computer version" of Bandai's original Tamagotchi (which was intended to run off of a keybooard). It is better than Bandai's Tamagotchi because; you control when Tamagotchi exists (whenever you run the program), the aging rate is much faster (1 hour = 1 year for Tamagotchi), it is FREE!, and more customizeable. Tamagotchi (for PC) does have disadvantages, for example: you obviously cannot carry it with you like Bandai's (unless you have a laptop). Although some may see that as an advantage if you've ever been annoyed by Tamagotchi's incessant beeping throughout the day. == == 3. How to play. The controls are very simple. Feed Tamagotchi frequently, play with Tamagotchi frequently, and scold Tamagotchi when needed. Clean Tamagotchi's mess, and turn off Tamagotchi's light when sleeping. And cure Tamagotchi when sick. Explore each of the 7 commands you have with your Tamagotchi game. If you have the Tamagotchi program running one hour a day, it will take about 30 days before Tamagotchi is fully grown. REMEMBER! Tamagotchi ONLY EXISTS WHEN THE Tamagotchi PROGRAM IS RUNNING! If you don't start up TAMAGO.EXE frequently then Tamagotchi won't grow much at all! Recommended play: start up Tamagotchi and have it running in the backround while you work on the computer. This game, much like Bandai's is not an ALL consuming game. == == 4. Misc Tamagotchi will play its very own Wav file everytime you load it, IF and ONLY IF you put the TAMAGO.WAV file in the "c:\" dir. Don't put it anywhere but "c:\". The music is being played by SGA [of TH]. Tamagotchi is a FREE gift from SGA to you. If you'd like to contact SGA then send Email to: THESpaniard@hotmail.com. If you play Tamagotchi more than once, and do a real GOOD job taking care of Tamagotchi, then you might just get the Tamagotchi special message at the end... == ««TAMAGOTCHI FOR YOUR PC by SGA [of TH]»» README.TXT for TAMAGOTCHI (PC version), TAMAGO.EXE ©1997 :0)